Deadlines: September & October
Every 15th of the month: new deadlines, new contests, and new opportunities for your voice to find the world. The next six weeks include: the Frontier Award for New Poets, Salt Hill, Penn Review, Cave Canem’s Chapbook Contest, Seneca Review, Rattle’s latest issue, & more.
LAST DAY: Frontier Poetry: 2019 Frontier Award for New Poets / $3000 / Judged by Ocean Vuong, Kaveh Akbar, and Eve L. Ewing
Open to all new and emerging writers (i.e. poets with no more than two full-length books). Winning poet will be awarded $3,000 and publication in Frontier Poetry. Second and third place will win $300 and $200 respectively, as well as publication. The top 10 finalists will also be recognized.
Submission Fee: $20
Salt Hill Journal
No more than 5 poems at a time submitted in one document. No reading fee.
Reading Fee: $0
The Penn Review
Submit up to 5 poems in separate Word docs. All submissions are read blind so please remove names and any other identifying information from the title and contents of the document.
Reading Fee: $0
Cave Canem Foundation, Inc. announces the 2019 Toi Derricotte and Cornelius Eady Chapbook Prize
Dedicated to the discovery of exceptional chapbook-length manuscripts (25-30 pages) by Black poets. Winner receives $500, publication by Jai-Alai Books in 2020, 10 copies of the chapbook, a residency in early April at The Writer’s Room at The Betsy Hotel in Miami and a featured reading at the O, Miami Poetry Festival. This is not a first-book award. All unpublished, original collections of poems written in English by black writers are eligible. First readers are Brionne Janae and Nick Makoha. Final Judge: Danez Smith
Entry Fee: $12
DEADLINE: Submissions open again 10/1 but could close within a day or two whenever thy hit 300 submissions – So Act Fast!
Submit 1-5 poems in a single document. The door closes once they hit their 300 monthly submissions cap, so get those poems in now!
Reading Fee: $0
Split Lip Magazine Poetry Contest
Submit one or two poems of 100 lines or less. 1st Place: $500. Runner Up: $50.
Judged by Chen Chen.
Entry Fee: $8 for one poem or $12 for two poems
Palette Poetry: The 2019 Previously Published Poem Prize
Submit up to 3 of your favorites poems that were previously published online or in print. Do not include the publication history of the individual poems in your document, as this is a blind reading. The poems must not have won any previous awards of $500 or more. 1st Place: $2500, 2nd Place: $300, 3rd Place: $200.
Reading Fee: $20
Seneca Review
Submit 3-5 poems in one file.
Reading Fee: $3
Jabberwock Review
Submit no more than 5 poems. Open to all themes & styles. Simultaneous submissions welcome.
Reading Fee: $3
Rattle – Students of Kim Addonizio
The Spring 2020 issue of Rattle is an open call only for current or former students of Kim Addonizio. Submit up to 4 previously unpublished poems in one document. Please explain when you studied with Kim and how it affected your writing in your contributor note.
Reading Fee: $0
The Rockford Review: 2020 Winter-Spring Edition
Submit up to three new, previously unpublished poems (50 lines or less) or three new prose pieces (1,300 words or less) or a combination of up to three poems and prose pieces to be considered for publication in The Rockford Review. No theme. Simultaneous submissions are fine, as long as you notify them if any or all of your submissions have been accepted elsewhere. Please include your bio, 50 words or less. Notification by December 15, 2019.
Email submissions to: sally@rockfordwritersguild.org.
Reading Fee: $0
Rappahannock Review
Submit up to 5 previously unpublished poems. Any length or style. Poems may be part of a series. Current or former employees of the University of Mary Washington and current UMW students are not eligible.
Reading Fee: $0
Tulane Review
Submit up to 5 previously unpublished poems.
Reading Fee: $0
Frontier Poetry: The 2020 Frontier New Voices Fellowship
This year’s fellowship is open only to undocumented poets living America. The fellowship includes a $500 grant, multiple publications in Frontier, participation in our editorial community, and introduction to agents and presses. Submit 1 – 5 poems (published or unpublished) along with a cover letter that includes a brief bio with your age, publication history, and your answer to the question, “Why do you poet?” Winner announced early 2020.
No reading fee.
Little Stone Journal
Send up to six poems or six pages. They usually respond within three weeks.
Email submissions to: littlestone.editorial@protonmail.com
Reading Fee: $0