Deadlines: October & November
Every 15th of the month: new deadlines, new contests, and new opportunities for your voice to find the world. The next six weeks include: our Previously Published Poem Prize, Rattle, Tulane Review, Joy Harjo Prize, Frontier’s 2020 Fellowship, Pork Belly Press, & more.
LAST DAY: The Previously Published Poem Prize
Our landscape has exploded with presses and magazines over the last few decades with the advent of digital publications—so many good poems have been found, celebrated, and, unfortunately, forgotten. We want to bring light to those lost pieces of poetry—the work that you love but no longer receives the attention it deserves. Send 1-3 previously published poems for the opportunity of publication and a $2500 prize.
Reading Fee: $20
Seneca Review
Submit 3-5 poems in one file.
Reading Fee: $3
Jabberwock Review
Submit no more than 5 poems. Open to all themes & styles. Simultaneous submissions welcome.
Reading Fee: $3
Rattle – Students of Kim Addonizio
The Spring 2020 issue of Rattle is an open call only for current or former students of Kim Addonizio. Submit up to 4 previously unpublished poems in one document. Please explain when you studied with Kim and how it affected your writing in your contributor note.
Reading Fee: $0
The Rockford Review: 2020 Winter-Spring Edition
Submit up to three new, previously unpublished poems (50 lines or less) or three new prose pieces (1,300 words or less) or a combination of up to three poems and prose pieces to be considered for publication in The Rockford Review. No theme. Simultaneous submissions are fine, as long as you notify them if any or all of your submissions have been accepted elsewhere. Please include your bio, 50 words or less. Notification by December 15, 2019.
Email submissions to: sally@rockfordwritersguild.org.
Reading Fee: $0
Rappahannock Review
Submit up to 5 previously unpublished poems. Any length or style. Poems may be part of a series. Current or former employees of the University of Mary Washington and current UMW students are not eligible.
Reading Fee: $0
2019 Troubadour Prize from Coffee-House Poetry
2019 Troubadour International Poetry Prize. Poems may be submitted from any country but must be in English. Each poem must be no longer than 45 lines and fit on one page. Do NOT include poet’s name on the page with the poem. Must be the original work of the entrant (no translations) & must not have been previously published in print or online. No text alterations accepted after submission. E-mail poems to poems@coffeehousepoetry.org as attachments (.doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf only). First prize £2,000, Second prize £1,000, Third prize £500.
Reading Fee: $7 (or £5/€6) per poem. Payment via PayPal or Cheque (see website for details)
Tulane Review
Submit up to 5 previously unpublished poems.
Reading Fee: $0
Frontier Poetry: The 2020 Frontier New Voices Fellowship
This year’s fellowship is open only to undocumented poets living America. The fellowship includes a $500 grant, multiple publications in Frontier, participation in our editorial community, and introduction to agents and presses. Submit 1 – 5 poems (published or unpublished) along with a cover letter that includes a brief bio with your age, publication history, and your answer to the question, “Why do you poet?” Winner announced early 2020.
No reading fee.
Black River Chapbook Competition
Black Lawrence Press runs the Black River Chapbook Competition for an unpublished chapbook of poems or prose between 16-36 pages in length. The winner will receive book publication, a $500 cash award, and 10 copies of the book.
Reading Fee: $15
Porkbelly Press – Sugared Water
Submit up to 5 of your finest poems. They generally don’t like rhyming poems, sports poems, formal poems, preachy poems, poems that use the word “soul,” or love poems that use the word “love.”
Reading Fee: $0
2019 Joy Harjo Prize at Cutthroat, A Journal of the Arts
Submit up to 3 unpublished poems (100 line limit, one page per poem) in 12 point font. Winners published in CUTTHROAT and announced on their website, on POETS & WRITERS, and New Pages. Finalists are also considered for publication. Final Judge: Carolyn Forche
Reading Fee: $20
Crab Creek Review
Crab Creek Review’s 2019 submission period is 9/15 to 11/15. Submit up to 4 poems (no more than 8 pages) in 12 pt. Font. Title your document with your name and genre.
Reading Fee: $0
2019 Frontier Open // One Poem // $5,000
No more than ONE unpublished poem per submission. No line limit. International submissions welcome. Multiple submissions allowed but each new submission requires a new submission and fee.
Reading Fee: $20
Tinderbox Poetry Journal
No more than 3-4 pieces per submission. No more than 6 pages. From free verse to formal, lyric essays, flash forms, sequences of fragments, lyric drama, and hybrid forms.
Reading Fee: $0 (or a $3 donation submission)
Wraparound South
Submit up to 3 poems at a time. Each poem must be submitted as a separate file. Wraparound South gives preference to writers from the South and writing about the South, particularly from under-represented voices, but all writers and submissions will be considered for publication.
Reading Fee: $3
Harvard Review
Limit your submission to no more than 5 poems. Manuscripts must be paginated and clearly labeled with the author’s name on every page.
Reading Fee: $3
New England Review
They are looking for long and short poems, including translations. Send no more than 6 poems at once, uploaded as a single file.
Reading Fee: $2
3 Elements Review
Submit only ONE unpublished poem per submission. All three elements (the specific words) for the given submission period must be included in your poem: pinwheel, carriage, and scour. No exceptions.
Reading Fee: $0
Expedited (response within 1 week): $5
With Feedback: $10