Deadlines: November & December
Every 15th of the month: new deadlines, new contests, and new opportunities for your voice to find the world. The next six weeks include: Frontier’s $5k OPEN Prize, Crab Creek Review, Harvard Review, Copper Canyon, Tinderbox, Typehouse, & more.
DEADLINE: 11/15 – Last Day!!
2019 Frontier Open // One Poem // $5,000
No more than ONE unpublished poem per submission. No line limit. International submissions welcome. Multiple submissions allowed but each new submission requires a new submission and fee.
Reading Fee: $20
DEADLINE: 11/15 – Act Fast!
Crab Creek Review
Crab Creek Review’s 2019 submission period is 9/15 to 11/15. Submit up to 4 poems (no more than 8 pages) in 12 pt. Font. Title your document with your name and genre.
Reading Fee: $0
Tinderbox Poetry Journal
No more than 3-4 pieces per submission. No more than 6 pages. From free verse to formal, lyric essays, flash forms, sequences of fragments, lyric drama, and hybrid forms.
Reading Fee: $0 (or a $3 donation submission)
Wraparound South
Submit up to 3 poems at a time. Each poem must be submitted as a separate file. Wraparound South gives preference to writers from the South and writing about the South, particularly from under-represented voices, but all writers and submissions will be considered for publication.
Reading Fee: $3
Harvard Review
Limit your submission to no more than 5 poems. Manuscripts must be paginated and clearly labeled with the author’s name on every page.
Reading Fee: $3
New England Review
They are looking for long and short poems, including translations. Send no more than 6 poems at once, uploaded as a single file.
Reading Fee: $2
3 Elements Review
Submit only ONE unpublished poem per submission. All three elements (the specific words) for the given submission period must be included in your poem: pinwheel, carriage, and scour. No exceptions.
Reading Fee: $0
Expedited (response within 1 week): $5
With Feedback: $10
Copper Canyon Press
Open for full-length poetry manuscripts (45-200 pages long). At the beginning of your manuscript, please include a list of your poems that appear elsewhere (in journals, magazines, chapbooks, or anthologies).
Reading Fee: $35 (includes opportunity to select two Copper Canyon from a list)
Five Points
Submit up to 3 poems with a cover letter. Each poem should be no longer than 50 lines. Make sure your name appears on each page of your manuscript.
Reading Fee: $4
Five Points is also reading for the James Dickey Prize for Poetry with the same 12/1 deadline. Again, 3 poems. Each poem no more than 50 lines. The contest is read blind. Winner will receive $1,000 and be featured in an upcoming issue of Five Points.
Reading Fee: $25
The Iowa Review
Send up to 8 pages of poetry for consideration, including verse plays and longer works. The Iowa Review pays $1.50 per line of poetry ($50 minimum)
Reading Fee: $4
Burningword Literary Journal
Submit up to 5 poems in one file which should run less than 10 pages in length. Submissions are read blind. Please remove all instances of your name from your manuscript.
Reading Fee: $3
Meridian – Editors’ Prize in Poetry
Winner will receive $1,000 and publication. Poets may submit up to 4 poems that do not exceed 10 pages. Please put all of the poems in one document. Do not put your name in the submission or file name. UVA students and faculty and recent alumni are not eligible. Authors with two or more books are not eligible.
Reading Fee: $14
Copper Nickel
Please upload 4-6 poems in one document.
Reading Fee: $0
45th Parallel
Submit up to 3 poems, not to exceed 10 pages. Each poem should begin on a new page. They are seeking diverse voices, especially from underrepresented communities.
Reading Fee: $0
Please submit no more than 6 poems per cycle in one document. Please use 12-pt Times New Roman font.
Reading Fee: $2
Typehouse Literary Magazine
Poetry submission with feedback. Up to 6 poems per submission. For helping support Typehouse you’ll receive feedback on two poems as a thank you! Please specify which two you would like feedback on in your cover letter.
Reading Fee: $6