Deadlines: January & February
Every 15th of the month: new deadlines, new contests, and new opportunities for your voice to find the world. The next six weeks include: Our own Spotlight Award, TriQuarterly, Salt Hill Journal, Foundry, Sibling Rivalry Press & more.
The 2020 Palette Poetry Spotlight Award
The winner will receive publication, $2,000, and a unique opportunity to have themselves profiled across a quarter-page advertisement in the Poets & Writers magazine: bio, headshot, excerpt of work, and contact information for solicitation. Poets & Writers has a circulation of over 70,000 print and 100,000+ monthly visitors. Palette’s editors will choose the winner, and any honorable mentions they think deserve extra attention. Second and third place will receive $300 and $200, respectively. Submit no more than three poems in one document.
Reading Fee: $20
DEADLINE: 1/15 – Act Fast
Salt Hill Journal
Submit up to 5 unpublished poems in one document. They are interested in a wide range of poems, from traditional to experimental.
Reading Fee: $0
DEADLINE: 1/15 – Final day to submit for Issue 14!
Kissing Dynamite Poetry
Please send only ONE poem of any length and style in a Word document. Submissions should be e-mailed with the subject “SUBMISSION—Title of Poem” (replace “Title of Poem” with the title of your poem) to kissingdynamitepoetry@gmail.com. Submissions are always FREE. In February, submissions open again for Issue 15, but the submission window will only be from 2/1 to 2/10. Get those poems in now! NOTE: Deadlines are midnight EST.
Reading Fee: $0
DEADLINE: 1/15 —Hurry!
Rattle Chapbook Contest
Manuscripts should be 15 – 30 pages. Three winners (judged by the editors anonymously) will receive $5,000 and 500 author copies of their chapbook which will also be distributed to Rattle’s 7,000 subscribers.
Reading Fee: $25, includes a one-year subscription
Submit up to 4-6 unpublished poems in one document. Max 8 pages. They pay $20 per poem on Venmo, promote authors on social media, and nominate for prizes. No submission fee.
Reading Fee: $0
Twyckenham Notes
Please submit up to 5 poems in a single doc. No PDFs. Do not include any identifying information on the poems themselves. Poets will be awarded $25 per accepted poem. Twyckenham Notes also nominates published work for all major literary awards.
Reading Fee: $3
Waxwing Poetry Journal
Submit 1 to 5 poems in one document. Waxwing accepts poetry in the months of August, September, November, January, and March. They may close early once they hit their monthly 300 submissions cap, so act fast!
Reading Fee: $0
Sibling Rivalry Press 2020 Undocupoets Fellowship
Two $500 fellowships will be awarded to poets living in the U.S. who are undocumented or who were formerly undocumented. Submit up to ten pages of poetry with no more than one poem per page. Please include a brief cover letter with a bio and brief description of your current work or work-in-progress. At least one of the awards will go to an LGBTQ undocumented (or formerly undocumented) poet. Please identify in your bio if you identify as LGBTQ.
Reading Fee: $0
Porkbelly Press Poetry Chapbook
Send 12 to 26 pages of poetry or prose poems all in one document (.docx, or .rtf), one poem per page (use insert > break > page break to be sure each poem has its own page, please). Please use Times New Roman or Garamond font.
Reading Fee: $0
2020 Nomadic Press Bindle Award
One poem (5 pages or less) or a short story (2,500 words max) in both .doc and .pdf with the full name of the author on the first page. Two guest judges will be announced soon. There will be one winning poem and one winning short story. The short story will be published in a 5” x 5” chapbook and the poem will be published on a 13” x 16” broadside. The winners will be announced on March 1, 2020. Each winner will be paid $100 and receive 5 copies of either their chapbook or broadside.
Reading Fee: $10
Split Lip Magazine
Send just ONE unpublished poem per submission. Simultaneous submissions allowed.
Reading Fee: $0
The Emerson Review
Submit no more than three poems at a time uploaded in one document. They especially like narrative poetry, prose poems, and form with a contemporary twist.
Reading Fee: $0
Salmon Creek Journal
Submit up to three poems per submission. They are also seeking prose, short plays, short stories, and visual arts.
Reading Fee: $0
Tinderbox Poetry Journal
Submit 3-4 pieces, no more than six pages. Free verse to formal to lyric drama. They invite you to expand their notion of what a poem can be. They pay an honorarium of $15 per contributor.
Reading Fee: $0
A donation submission of $3 – $10 is appreciated, but not necessary.
Feedback submissions: $5
Pigeon Pages Poetry Contest
Winner will receive $200 and publication. Honorable mentions will receive $50 and publication. Judged by Ada Limón. Do not include any personal identifying information on the piece itself.
Reading Fee: $7 for ONE poem (up to five pages) OR
$15 for THREE poem entries
Frontier Poetry’s 2020 Antioch-Frontier Fellowship // $1,000 + a trip to Antioch University
Antioch University’s MFA in Creative Writing Program has partnered with Frontier Poetry to offer a Fellowship opportunity to experience one of their amazing residencies. The Fellow will learn about Antioch’s low-residency MFA Program and MFA programs in general, experience 10 days of intense learning and immersion that occur during a residency, and receive mentorship and community opportunities. Submissions are open to everyone, non-MFAs and MFAs alike.
Include a cover letter which explains why you would benefit from the Fellowship. Up to FOUR unpublished poems only. 2nd and 3rd place will receive publication and $300, $200 respectively. There is no line-limit: poems may be any length, any style, or any subject.
Submission Fee: $20
The Arkansas International: C.D. Wright Emerging Poet Prize
Submit 3-5 poems, with a total of no more than six pages. Open to writers who haven’t yet published a full-length poetry book, and who have no book forthcoming before May 1, 2020. Writers with chapbooks are allowed. Writers with a self-published book with a print run under 300 copies are allowed. Judge: Hanif Abdurraqib
Entry Fee: $20
Claw & Blossom
For publication in the March 2020 Equinox Issue. Send only ONE previously unpublished poem. The theme is “Stripes.” Your work must also contain elements of the natural world. They prefer free verse and are NOT looking for formal poetry or rhyming couplets.
Reading Fee: $0
Ninth Letter
Seeking general submissions for their print edition. Submit 3-6 poems (maximum 10 pages). Notification in approximately 12 weeks. They pay $25 per printed page, up to $150 + two complimentary copies of the issue in which the piece appears.
Reading Fee: $0
Beloit Poetry Journal
Their Winter reading period ends 2/29. Limit your submission to five poems OR a single long poem. Please send no more than one manuscript during any submission period and put no more than one poem on a page.
Reading Fee: $0
One last exciting submission opportunity!! New journal seeks work for their first issue coming this Spring…
The Night Heron Barks
Send one to three poems to TheNightHeronBarks@Gmail.com
Please send all poems in a single Word document. Save the document with your name and the title of the first poem. In your email, type ‘submission’ in the subject line and your name. Expect a response within a month. All types of poetry welcome.
Reading Fee: $0