Deadlines: February & March
Every 15th of the month: new deadlines, new contests, and new opportunities for your voice to find the world. The next six weeks include: Frontier Poetry, Tinderbox, Copper Nickel, Cave Canem, Black Warrior Review and Jabberwock.
Ninth Letter
Seeking general submissions for their print edition. Submit 3-6 poems (maximum 10 pages). Notification in approximately 12 weeks. They pay $25 per printed page, up to $150 + two complimentary copies of the issue in which the piece appears.
Beloit Poetry Journal
Their Winter reading period ends 2/29. Limit your submission to five poems OR a single long poem. Please send no more than one manuscript during any submission period and put no more than one poem on a page.
The Penn Review
Submit up five poems. Please remove names and other personal information from the title and contents of the document.
Copper Nickel
Submit 4-6 poems in one document. You can also submit Translation Folios in Poetry of up to 8 poems (Note: If your poetry translation is accepted, they will request an 800-1200 word contextualizing translator’s introduction.)
Reading Fee
Black Warrior Review
Send up to five poems. Maximum of ten pages. Submit them all in one document with the titles separates by commas in the “Submission Title” field.
Reading Fee
Into the Void
Submit up to four poems with up to 60 lines each. Send all poems in a single document using 12-point Times New Roman or Garamond with each poem beginning on a new page. Do NOT include any identifying information in your submission document, document title, or the title in the Submittable form. They do their best to respond within six weeks.
2020 Cave Canem Poetry Prize
Winner receives $1,000, publication by University of Georgia Press in Fall 2020, 15 copies of the book, and a feature reading. Contest is open to all unpublished, original collections of poems written in English by Black writers of African descent who have not had a full-length book of poetry published by a professional press. Manuscripts must be paginated, with a font size of 11-12 and 48-75 pages in length, inclusive of title page and table of contents.
Reading Fee
Burningword Literary Journal
Submit up to five unpublished poems (ten pages maximum) in one document. Poetry in any form or style. Please remove your name from your work before uploading it.
Reading Fee
Rappahannock Review
Accepting poems in any length and employing any aesthetic, including free verse, prose poems, and formal poetry. Submit up to five poems. Poems may be part of a series. Current or former employees and current students of the University of Mary Washington are not eligible. They will accept submissions from alumni of UMW who graduated more than three years ago.
Seneca Review
Submit 3-5 poems in one file.
Reading Fee
Jabberwock Review
Submit up to five poems. All themes and styles welcome. Current students, faculty, and staff of Mississippi State University are not eligible.
Reading Fee
Lascaux Prize for Poetry
Poems may be previously published or unpublished. Winner receives $1,000, a bronze medallion, and publication online. Submit up to five poems in one document. No length, subject, or style restrictions.
Reading Fee
Third Point Press
Send up to five poems in a single file using a standard font.
Expedited Response: $5
Sycamore Review
Send up to five poems in one document. For the title of the submission, please list titles of poems separated by commas
Ongoing submissions to this exciting new journal:
The Night Heron Barks
Send one to three poems to TheNightHeronBarks@Gmail.com
Please send all poems in a single Word document. Save the document with your name and the title of the first poem. In your email, type ‘submission’ in the subject line and your name. Expect a response within a month. All types of poetry welcome.