to be read from bottom to top, with a line from Naomi Shihab Nye
then? That I am here. Still breathing, even if barely.
it means breathing in two countries. Is it betrayal
Perhaps it is true what the poet said of love: how
My mouth a sheath, love & betrayal both are swords.
I don’t. I know you expect me to think it a betrayal.
returned home. Please don’t ask me if I miss Nigeria.
I have been here for more than 10 years & I have not
it belong to? I ask. This loaf of bread, this jar of milk.
know which country to claim… Which country does
is a border I have to cross to get to the fridge. I don’t
between my father’s bedroom & my mother’s, there
to say love. Once, I belonged to one country. & now,
what I think about America. I know you expect me
& still I am American. But please refrain from asking