2023 Previously Published Poem Prize: Winners & Finalists
We are pleased to announce the winners, finalists, and longlist for the 2023 Previously Published Poem Prize! Please join us in congratulating these brilliant poets. Deep gratitude to all who shared their work with us. The winning poems were selected by Palette editors and will be published in April.
Winners of the 2023 Previously Published Poem Prize
1st place — Tariq Thompson for “ON OUR BIRTHDAY, LORRAINE HANSBERRY & I DISCUSS SUNLIGHT” — first published in The Adroit Journal
Tariq Thompson is a Black poet from Memphis. His poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in The American Poetry Review, wildness, underblong, Sixth Finch, The Academy of American Poets, and The Adroit Journal, where he received the 2020 Adroit Prize for Poetry. He is the author of the chapbook LONE LILY, published by Sunset Press. He is currently an MFA candidate at New York University.
2nd place — Dāshaun Washington for “A Fairy Tale of Blackboyhood” —first published in Poem-a-Day
Dāshaun Washington is a poet living in Northampton, Massachusetts. He is a 2023-2025 Wallace Stegner Fellow in Poetry and a 2021 92Y Discovery Poetry Contest runner-up. He has received support from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, Lighthouse Works, Ucross Foundation, Millay Arts, Tin House, and beyond. His work has appeared in Poetry Magazine, The Nation, Indiana Review, Poem-a-Day, The American Poetry Review, and elsewhere.
3rd place — Tiana Clark for “Scorched Earth” —first appeared in The Map of Every Lilac Leaf: Poets Respond to the Smith College Museum of Art
Tiana Clark is the author of the poetry collection, I Can’t Talk About the Trees Without the Blood (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018), winner of the 2017 Agnes Lynch Starrett Prize, and Equilibrium (Bull City Press, 2016), selected by Afaa Michael Weaver for the 2016 Frost Place Chapbook Competition. Clark is a winner for the 2020 Kate Tufts Discovery Award (Claremont Graduate University), a 2019 National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellow, and the 2015 Rattle Poetry Prize. She is a recipient of the 2021-2022 Amy Lowell Poetry Traveling Scholarship and 2019 Pushcart Prize. Her writing has appeared in or is forthcoming from The New Yorker, Poetry Magazine, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Virginia Quarterly Review, Tin House, Kenyon Review, American Poetry Review, Oxford American, The Best American Poetry 2022, and elsewhere. She teaches at the Sewanee School of Letters.
Adele Kenny
Annie Martin
Brittany Rogers
Diana Cao
donia salem harhoor
Mamie Morgan
Marianne Chan
Abdulkareem Abdulkareem
ali whitelock
Alisha Segars
Amanda Merritt
Amina Akinola
Carol Forrester
Chiwenite Onyekwelu
Edward Wilson
Erin Mizrahi
Felicia Zamora
Imani Cezanne
Issam Zineh
Jae Nichelle
Jenny Qi
John Amen
Katie Berta
Kelly Cammack
Kristen Holt-Browning
Kyle Okeke
L. Renée
Lauren Saxon
Leena Aboutaleb
Lissa Batista
Lynne Thompson
Malik Thompson
Marko Capoferri
Maya Salameh
Michael Fraser
Michael Pearce
Paula Brancato
Rhiannon McGavin
Rodrick Minor
Sara Saleh
Saúl Hernández
Shellie Harwood
Skye Jackson
Tammi Jensen
Threa Almontaser
Tim Wood