Deadlines: April & May 2023
Every middle of the month: new deadlines, new contests, and new opportunities for your work to find its audience. Here is a roundup of ten submission opportunities with deadlines in April or May, including The Rising Poet Prize, The Etel Adnan Poetry Prize, Passages North, and more.
Palette Poetry warmly invites all new and emerging poets to submit to The Rising Poet Prize! This contest only accepts submissions from poets who have not yet published a full-length collection at the time of submission. The winning poet will be awarded $3000, publication, and a brief interview in Palette Poetry. The top ten finalists will be selected by Palette editors, and Guest Judge Maggie Smith will then select the winner and two runners-up from among the ten finalists.
Reading Fee: $20
Every year the University of Arkansas Press accepts submissions for the Etel Adnan Poetry Series and awards the $1,000 Etel Adnan Poetry Prize to a first or second book of poetry, in English, by a writer of Arab heritage. Since its inception in 2015, the series has sought to celebrate and foster the writings and writers that make up the vibrant and diverse Arab American community, and the University of Arkansas Press has long been committed to publishing diverse kinds of poetry by a diversity of poets. The series editors are Hayan Charara and Fady Joudah, and the prize is named in honor of the world-renowned poet, novelist, essayist, and artist Etel Adnan.
Reading fee: $25
Elinor Benedict Poetry Prize
Passages North will consider all forms of poetry for the Elinor Benedict Poetry Prize, including lyric, experimental, and formal work. Up to three poems may be submitted in one document. The winner will be selected by Yanyi. First prize is $1000 and publication in Passages North. One or more honorable mentions may also be selected and published. All entrants receive a copy of the contest issue. Students of Northern Michigan University and close friends of the Passages North staff or contest judge are not eligible.
Reading Fee: $15
Gulf Coast is accepting entries for the 2023 Gulf Coast Prize in Poetry. The contest awards $1,500 and publication in Gulf Coast to the winner. Two honorable mentions will be awarded $250. All entries will be considered for publication and the entry fee includes a one-year subscription to Gulf Coast. This year’s prize will be judged by Carmen Jiménez. Submit up to five poems (ten pages max) in a single .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf file. Only previously unpublished work will be considered.
Application Fee: $26
Beloit Poetry Journal is accepting entries to the Adrienne Rich Prize for Poetry. Submit 1-3 unpublished poems on any subject in any style up to a maximum of 10 pages per entry. A limited number of complimentary entries are available to poets for whom the fee presents a hardship. Contact bpj@bpj.org for more information. The winner will receive $1,500 prize for a single poem and be selected by Marie Howe. Simultaneous submissions are welcome.
Reading fee: $15 (fee waivers available)
The Colorado Review
The Colorado Review welcomes poetry of any style. Please limit poetry submissions to no more than five unpublished poems with a maximum of 15 pages (total) at a time. Simultaneous submissions are welcome. Colorado Review pays $10/page for poetry, with a $30 minimum. Published writers also receive two copies of the issue in which their work appears, as well as a one-year subscription.
Reading Fee: $3
A $500 prize will be awarded for the winning poem. Send up to four poems, no more than eight pages total. This year’s judge is Nicky Beer. All entries are considered for publication. The winner and finalists will appear in Crab Creek Review. Only original, previously unpublished work will be considered. Should you submit something that is under simultaneous consideration, please indicate this in your cover letter.
Application fee: $16
The Stanley Kunitz Memorial Prize honors the late Stanley Kunitz’s dedication to mentoring poets. The winning poem will appear on the feature page of the September/October issue of The American Poetry Review, and the poet will receive a prize of $1,000. All entrants will receive a copy of the magazine. Poets may submit one to three poems per entry (totaling no more than three pages). No limit on the number of entries per poet. Poets must be under 40 years of age. All entries must be previously unpublished poems.
Reading fee: $15
Carolyn Moore Writing Residency
Portland Community College’s Carolyn Moore Writing Residency is the first and only program of its kind to be hosted by a community college in the United States. Consisting of three-to-eight-week terms at the Carolyn Moore Writers House in Tigard, Oregon, this residency offers emerging writers concentrated time to focus on developing a written work, while also providing PCC students the opportunity to meet and interact with talented writers from across the country. Writers-in-residence visit in-session classes, give readings throughout the PCC district, and host small groups of creative writing students in the great room of the Carolyn Moore House. In addition to use of the House and grounds, residents receive a stipend of $400 dollars per week, delivered in full upon arrival.
Application fee: none
The Baltimore Review
Submit three poems in one document, not individually. One submission per reading period. Poems (including prose poems) should generally be single-spaced, titled, and with clear stanza breaks. Please proofread your work carefully before submitting.
Reading fee: none