Excerpt from Between The Spine by Adrian Cepeda
Salty Caramel
Always, better than sex
she says, lost in reflection,
gazing at headless mannequins
dressed vintage in antique
dresses so loose
and unrevealing –
licking lips, behind her
head scarf
bellowing, she quietly
unveils, this used to be
an ice cream
shop. Closing eyes,
how the deliciously tattooed
with silvery piercings
would expertly scoop colors,
so many different flavors
to choose from. She loved
watching them cone, cup
and shake, no matter
what day, she recalls
each one ball capped,
tight white muscle tee
stained salty caramel,
shimmering a sundae
sensation. Wanting one
more imaginary lick,
she opens her lids, realizing
los hombres calientes
have gone and melted
into one savorless color.
Trying to reach back,
wishing she could taste
one more spoonful,
just the thought of one
last ice cream kiss, excites
her, melting her lips,
longing for this one
topping, always better
than sex, she mouths,
wide open, ready
to relive the ecstasy,
she imagines devouring
this imaginary cone,
only she can taste this
shivering excited, she
still is craving to savor
the scent of this salty
caramel flavor,
by swallowing his –
sprinkles alone.