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By AE Hines
“I remember / the previous night’s rain still dripping / from his eaves, the Crape Myrtles huddled / along his street”
AE Hines’s debut collection, Any Dumb Animal, received Honorable Mention in the North Carolina Poetry Society’s 2022 Brockman-Campbell Book contest, and was a daVinci Eye finalist for the Eric Hoffer Book award. His poems have been widely published in anthologies and literary journals, including more recently: Rattle, Alaska Quarterly Review, The Southern Review, Rhino, Ninth Letter, The Missouri Review, Poet Lore, The Greensboro Review, and I-70 Review. www.aehines.net
By AE Hines
“I remember / the previous night’s rain still dripping / from his eaves, the Crape Myrtles huddled / along his street”