Circle of Stones
“My mother masks my face. / Sharp lungful of lemon. / It’s like the trees have arms / that ask, that are asking”
Alia Hussain Vancrown has published in journals and magazines in print and online. Her poetry has twice been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. She was selected to participate in Winter Tangerine’s 2018 workshop, Singing Songs Crooning Comets, featuring seminars by Kaveh Akbar and Aricka Foreman. Alia works at the Library of Congress in the Law Division. She currently resides in Maryland. For more, please visit and Instagram @aliagoestothelibrary.
“My mother masks my face. / Sharp lungful of lemon. / It’s like the trees have arms / that ask, that are asking”
“no country plants innocence / in its daughters we are fertile / for droughts”