House of Prayer
“I praise once again, I symmetry / like the wings of a migrating bird, I repeat alhamdulillah / and rinse and repeat and rinse and repeat, like the rokrok / of an egret.”
Alycia Pirmohamed is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Edinburgh, where she is studying poetry written by second-generation immigrants. Her forthcoming chapbook, Faces that Fled the Wind, was selected by Camille Rankine for the 2018 BOAAT Press Chapbook Prize. Alycia is a recent recipient of the 92Y/Discovery Poetry Contest, The Adroit Journal’s Djanikian Scholars Program, and winner of The Ploughshares’ Emerging Writer’s Contest in poetry. Her work can be found in The Paris Review, Gulf Coast Magazine, Prairie Schooner, Best Canadian Poetry, among others. She received an MFA from the University of Oregon.
“I praise once again, I symmetry / like the wings of a migrating bird, I repeat alhamdulillah / and rinse and repeat and rinse and repeat, like the rokrok / of an egret.”