By Ananda Lima
“In the red light of late / afternoon I stand clean / and naked in the / post / shower fog”
Ananda Lima’s work has appeared in The American Poetry Review, Rattle, The Offing, PANK, New South, Hobart and elsewhere. She has an MA in Linguistics from UCLA and is pursuing an MFA in fiction from Rutgers University, Newark. She was selected for the AWP Writer to Writer Program and has attended workshops at Bread Loaf, the Community of Writers, Tin House, and Sewanee (where she returned and currently serve as staff). Ananda has taught at UCLA, Montclair State University and currently teaches undergraduate creative writing at Rutgers University, Newark. In 2018, she will be a mentor in The Adroit Journal’s Summer Mentorship Program. She is working on a poetry collection centered on immigration and motherhood and a novel set in Brasília, where she grew up as the daughter of migrants from Northeast Brazil.
By Ananda Lima
“In the red light of late / afternoon I stand clean / and naked in the / post / shower fog”