at the border
“your legs may want to forget the name of this place, forget / how you rolled into it and swallowed its rain.”
Chinua Ezenwa-Ohaeto (@ChinuaEzenwa) is from Owerri-Nkworji in Nkwerre, Imo state, Nigeria and a lover of literature. He has won the Association Of Nigerian Author’s Literary Award for Mazariyya Ana Teen Poetry Prize, 2009; Speak to the Heart Inc. Poetry Competition, 2016. He became a runner-up in Etisalat Prize for Literature, Flash fiction, 2014. He won the Castello di Duino Poesia Prize for an unpublished poem, 2018 which took him to Italy. And is the recipient of New Hampshire Institute of Art’s 2018 Writing Award and the recipient of New Hampshire Institute of Art’s 2018 scholarship to MFA Program. Some of his works have appeared in Lunaris Review, AFREADA, Raffish Magazine, Kalahari Review, Praxismagazine, Bakwa Magazine, Strange Horizons, One, Ake Review and Crannòg magazine.
“your legs may want to forget the name of this place, forget / how you rolled into it and swallowed its rain.”
“Like we seeing in those days rain rain for days / And carrying roofs off houses, and throwing away clothes off lines, / And spoiling roads we manage force government build for us.