“A is antecedent, anterior, the abscess from which all else / arises. The atrocity in the attic, but also the attic’s architecture.”
Claire Wahmanholm is the author of Night Vision (New Michigan Press 2017), Wilder (Milkweed Editions 2018), Redmouth (Tinderbox Editions 2019), and the forthcoming Meltwater (Milkweed Editions 2023). Her work has most recently appeared in, or is forthcoming from, The Account, Ninth Letter, Blackbird, Washington Square Review, Couplet, Good River Review, Descant, Copper Nickel, and Beloit Poetry Journal. She is a 2020-2021 McKnight Fellow, and lives in the Twin Cities. Find her online at clairewahmanholm.com.
“A is antecedent, anterior, the abscess from which all else / arises. The atrocity in the attic, but also the attic’s architecture.”