Acolyte Theater
“O animal, held / at tongue-point // I always cried during / mass, dreaming of dirt // & hands made / useful”
Duncan Slagle is a queer poet and performer from Alaska & then Minnesota. Duncan is the author of FATHER HUNT (L’Éphémère Review) & currently attends the University of Wisconsin-Madison as a First Wave Scholar studying Ancient Greek, Latin, and Creative Writing. Duncan’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Adroit Journal, Vinyl, BOAAT, Frontier Poetry, Hobart, and The Shallow Ends. The winner of the 2018 Crab Creek Review Poetry Prize, the 2018 Mikrokosmos Poetry Prize, and a 2018 Best of the Net nominee, Duncan has more work online at duncanslagle.com.
“O animal, held / at tongue-point // I always cried during / mass, dreaming of dirt // & hands made / useful”