Feral and Conjoined
By Nicole Homer
“They got in the car. All of them: the whore, the john, and me, staring at my knees. We were feral and conjoined from then.”
Nicole Homer is a writer and educator. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Muzzle, The Offing, Winter Tangerine, Rattle, The Collagist and on final stages of several national poetry slam competitions. A fellow of both The Watering Hole and Callaloo, Homer serves as an Editor and regular contributor at BlackNerdProblems, writing critique of media and pop culture, and as faculty at the Pink Door Writing Retreat for Women and Gender Non-conforming Writers of Color. Her full-length collection of poems, Pecking Order was a Eric Hoffer Poetry Award winner and a Paterson Poetry Prize finalist. As the 2018 Dartmouth Poet-in-Residence at The Frost Place, she lived in Robert Frost’s home, drank coffee, and concentrated on her next manuscript, Fast Tail. She lurks online as @realnicolehomer.
By Nicole Homer
“They got in the car. All of them: the whore, the john, and me, staring at my knees. We were feral and conjoined from then.”