The Luster of Everything I’m Already Forgetting
“I press my mouth to my son’s warm back, cowbells distant. This wild / longing to keep my body between his & any kind of desolation.”
A 2017 NJ Council on the Arts poetry fellow, Nicole Rollender is the author of the poetry collection, Louder Than Everything You Love (Five Oaks Press), and four poetry chapbooks. She has won poetry prizes from Gigantic Sequins, CALYX Journal, Princemere Journal, and Ruminate Magazine, and her work appears in Alaska Quarterly Review, Best New Poets, The Journal, and Ninth Letter, among many other journals. Nicole is managing editor of THRUSH Poetry Journal, and holds an MFA from the Pennsylvania State University. She’s also co-founder and CEO of Strand Writing Services. Visit her online: www.nicolemrollender.com.
“I press my mouth to my son’s warm back, cowbells distant. This wild / longing to keep my body between his & any kind of desolation.”