Self-Portrait in Lieu of My EP
“It’s like that very first taste of hypocrisy, like that fetal position we practice and fittingly forget when the speakers pick me up with my filth”
Olatunde Osinaike is a Nigerian-American poet and software developer from the West Side of Chicago. A Best of the Net and Bettering American Poetry nominee, his most recent work has appeared, or is forthcoming, in Best New Poets 2018, Kweli, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, Cosmonauts Avenue, Lunch Ticket, Puerto del Sol, and Columbia Poetry Review, among other publications. He is currently on poetry staff at The Adroit Journal and you can find him at www.olatundeosinaike.com or @tundelasoul on Twitter.
“It’s like that very first taste of hypocrisy, like that fetal position we practice and fittingly forget when the speakers pick me up with my filth”