[Operation X: Find the Secret Files]
“add: checked [in the beginning, there was a void world, / & god made a terrace out of bones, & the bones became bodies,”
Saheed Sunday, NGP V, is a Nigerian author, a Star Prize awardee, a Pushcart Prize nominee, a Best of the Net Prize nominee, Best Small Fictions Prize nominee, and a reader at Chestnut Review. He won the ZODML Poetry Prize, Poetry Archive, and was a runner-up for The Nigeria Prize for Teen Authors. He was also shortlisted for the Rachel Wetzsteon Chapbook Award, Wingless Dreamer Poetry Prize and The Breakbread Literacy Project. He has his works published or forthcoming on Palette Poetry, Lolwe, Strange Horizons, Trampset, Lucent Dreaming, North Dakota Quarterly, The Deadlands, Shrapnel Magazine, Rough Cut Press, The Temz Review, Brittle Paper, Poetry Column, Off Topic Publishing, Eunoia Review, and elsewhere. In 2018, he was shortlisted for the Wole Soyinka International Cultural Exchange. He can be reached on Twitter @saheedtsunday, or Instagram @_saheedsunday.
“add: checked [in the beginning, there was a void world, / & god made a terrace out of bones, & the bones became bodies,”