The Great Cosmic Hum
“the hum you could never / obliterate, molecules buzzing, hum of 87 floors of refrigerators cooling, / hum that keeps the building in the sky”
Shelley Stenhouse won the Pavement Saw Press Award for her poetry collection, PANTS, and her latest collection, Impunity (NYQ Books), was selected by Huffington Post as one of “20 Of The Best Books From Independent Presses You Should Know About.” She received a New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) Fellowship, an Allen Ginsberg Award, was a National Poetry Series finalist, had two Pushcart prize nominations (one by Tony Hoagland), and three residencies at Yaddo Art Colony. Her poem, “Circling,” was quoted in A History of American Literature. She has read on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered. Her poetry and fiction have been published in New York Quarterly, Antioch Review, Prairie Schooner, Quarterly West, Nimrod International Journal, Margie, Third Coast, Enizagam, Brooklyn Rail, Mudfish, Washington Square, and Poetry After 9/11: An Anthology of New York Poets (among others). Shelley lives in Greenwich Village and works one-on-one with writers.
“the hum you could never / obliterate, molecules buzzing, hum of 87 floors of refrigerators cooling, / hum that keeps the building in the sky”