what my almost lover’s husband knows
By Skye Jackson
“my body drips inky like the night / in my almost lover’s arms; / torso bends, metallic & lush,”
Skye Jackson was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. Her work has appeared in RHINO, The Southern Review, Electric Literature, Green Mountains Review, RATTLE and elsewhere. Her poetry has been a finalist for the Iowa Review Poetry Award, the RATTLE Poetry Prize, the RHINO Founders’ Prize, and in 2021 she received the AWP Intro Journals Award. Jackson’s work was also selected by Billy Collins for inclusion in the Library of Congress Poetry 180 Project. She has received support for her work from The Frost Place, The Key West Literary Seminar & Cave Canem. She currently teaches at Xavier University. Her debut poetry collection, Libre, will be published in Spring 2025.
By Skye Jackson
“my body drips inky like the night / in my almost lover’s arms; / torso bends, metallic & lush,”