By Timi Sanni
“You followed me through the needle eye of a dark, pine forest / and I emerged, as a doe–bright and spotless–on the other side.”
Timi Sanni is a writer, editor, and Muslim literature advocate. A NF2W scholar in poetry and fiction, his work appears or is forthcoming in Olongo Africa, Palette Poetry, Down River Road, Drinking Gourd Magazine, Temz Review, X-R-A-Y Literary, and elsewhere. He is a reader for CRAFT and Liminal Transit Review and an editor at Kalopsia Literary. He is the winner of the SprinNG Poetry Contest and Fitrah Review Short Story Prize 2020. He was also nominated for the 2020 Young Writers and Creatives Award. Find him on twitter @timisanni.
By Timi Sanni
“You followed me through the needle eye of a dark, pine forest / and I emerged, as a doe–bright and spotless–on the other side.”