“Коростень житомирской области…” and “salt circles”
Two poems by Angelic Goldsky.
“%gasping to (find the /pieces u (%ont . &earch for( ( …..”
Two poems by Angelic Goldsky.
“%gasping to (find the /pieces u (%ont . &earch for( ( …..”
Had I not stolen that book, I most likely would not have been a writer.
“everything, even gain, / is some kind of loss. even after.”
“in a single breath / fought off an evil corporate polluter / without somuchas a lawyer”
“the familiar games you invented: / complicated, one-foot races across // the shallow end.”
Every middle of the month: new deadlines, new contests, and new opportunities for your work to find its audience. Here is a roundup of ten submission opportunities with deadlines in the next two months.
Winner of the 2024 Rising Poet Prize Akhim Yuseff Cabey for “Olentangy River, 2019” Akhim Yuseff Cabey was …
By Odin Meadows
“Light from the / dining room is spilling out the hole, I keep forgetting / it’s right above the dinner table.”