Poetry We Admire: Pride & Delight
This June, Associate Editor Benjamin Bartu curates poems of pride & delight.
This June, Associate Editor Benjamin Bartu curates poems of pride & delight.
“Fields like bodies: / milk-need blooms wrapped in choke weed, / ash borne roots & children, children.”
Every middle of the month: new deadlines, new contests, and new opportunities for your work to find its audience. Here is a roundup of ten submission opportunities with deadlines in June or July, including The Sappho Prize, Poetry, Poet Lore, and more.
“the scenes / of the damned reaching like hands / into the sunlight, sirens sounding–“
By Kiyoko Reidy
“his body / possessed the lithe assurance of a man / comfortable at catastrophe’s cusp.”
By Kate Sweeney
“You cut open / my thigh each evening to practice stitching it back together.”
By Summer Farah
In Poetry Double Features, poet, critic, and editor Summer Farah moves away from the capitalistic language of “comparative titles” and instead towards the indulgence possible in considering two poetry collections that complement each other. The books paired here are not necessarily similar, but Farah asks: what language, pleasure, or wonder might be uncovered when they are read together? Poetry Double Features is in praise of the beautiful and unruly process of reading, synthesizing, and parsing out connective threads. This month, Farah considers Some Are Always Hungry by Jihyun Yun and Hijra by Hala Alyan.
“Butterflied like a fish, / she died and did not die, / rose again each time”