By Jessie Keary
“She was adept with the use of / liquid rouge, / a model of artistic beauty,”
By Jessie Keary
“She was adept with the use of / liquid rouge, / a model of artistic beauty,”
Winner of the 2024 Rising Poet Prize Akhim Yuseff Cabey for “Olentangy River, 2019” Akhim Yuseff Cabey was …
“god bless, then, the poisonous / carp these fishermen toss // back into the river,”
By Tamar Ashdot
“music spills out of a storefront across the street. / the space is filled with sienna subway tiled walls and sugars / in glass jars”
“This little piggy listens to murder podcasts while she paints her nails. // This little piggy listens to BTS and makes vegan enchiladas from scratch. // This little piggy also has nightmares about wolves.”
Please join us in congratulating these remarkable poets. Winners were selected by Morgan Parker.
Winner of the 2023 Palette Chapbook Prize Ava Chen You can download the chapbook here. You can purchase …
Please join us in congratulating these remarkable poets. Winners were selected by Megan Fernandes.
“My motorcycle’s thrum as much the music / as bees in the embattled thistledown, the wild // stonefruits erupting from mouthed cores”