Never have I seen so many: hundreds of sheep and lambs, families gathered in clumps of two or …
We are honored to share with everyone the winners, finalists, and longlist of the 2020 Palette Poetry Prize, …
By Natasha Rao
A mushroom quietly throbs with poison. I bloat full of lies. Spurred by my capacity for ruin, I …
We are honored to share with everyone the winners, finalists, and longlist of the 2020 Sappho Prize, selected …
“Do you // remember his steady hands? / How badly we wanted to love, in him, // some unliftable part of ourselves?”
By Mikko Harvey
“your life really / does turn out to be / a cycle of starting / fires, briefly / worshipping them”
“My great great grandfather’s head / looks nothing like my great great grandfather. / It’s placed on its side, in the Wallace exhibit, / in a museum in London.”