The Peasantry
By Weijia Pan
“I could read history from the back of your reddened skull. / You could read me directly, reflected in the eyes of passers-by.”
By Weijia Pan
“I could read history from the back of your reddened skull. / You could read me directly, reflected in the eyes of passers-by.”
We are honored to share with everyone the winners and finalists of the 2024 Previously Published Poem Prize! Please join us in congratulating these remarkable poets. Winners were selected by Palette editors.
We are honored to share with everyone the winners and finalists of the 2023 Resistance & Resilience Prize! Please join us in congratulating these remarkable poets. Winners were selected by Natasha Rao.
By Bazeed
“that bark & branches bristle / with eyes / see all that happens / under the sky. / all that murders & slithers / from sea to shining sea.”
By Maurya Kerr
“banjo be deeply known by its own / before bootlegged for mass / production, instruction manual, smash & grab of its soul.”
“Honed a kind of malingering, for most of that stint – / part-response to my farm-crazed aunt’s / unsparing miserableness.”
“I regret / that I never mentioned you in my sleep, never thought / that you might want me to leave the porch light on / for a thousand saints to welcome you to my home.”
We are honored to share with everyone the winners, finalists, and longlist of the 2023 Palette Chapbook Prize! Please join us in congratulating these remarkable poets. The winning chapbook was selected by Danez Smith.
By Starr Davis
“I CERTIFY / I built a life on the run from the broken law of my body”