Who Is This Grief For?
By K. Iver
There are so many gods wanting my soreness. / I can bruise my forehead bowing before so many statues.
By K. Iver
There are so many gods wanting my soreness. / I can bruise my forehead bowing before so many statues.
We are honored to share with everyone the winners and finalists of the 2022 Previously Published Poem Prize! Please join us in congratulating these remarkable poets. Winners were selected by the editors.
“Goldmanite, / use what seeds you can to drape / this mountain in clouds, Muses / in the forest”
By Maria Nazos
“how the body’s slow melting / is the only way / to open a hardened heart / the glacier you enter with dissolving”
By Emily Lawson
“but you held me down, just like this, / possessed, alien, godlike, looking at me, outside of / time—”
We are honored to share with everyone the winners and finalists of the 2021 Love & Eros Prize! Please join us in congratulating these remarkable poets. Winners were selected by Kaveh Akbar.
By Len Lawson
“The eyes of injustice strike deep as a bullet. The eyes of a revolutionary strike deeper through eternity.”
“A is antecedent, anterior, the abscess from which all else / arises. The atrocity in the attic, but also the attic’s architecture.”
By Katie Hale
“There was ugliness, too, in the gallery, though the audioguide / steered me meticulously away.”