Untitled (Monkey Mask)
“The floor is night vision green / and the walls are green / and the greeness spans all we can see.”
We are so grateful to all of our partner-poets for sharing their work with us—please enjoy their beautiful words in our Featured Poetry catalogue.
“The floor is night vision green / and the walls are green / and the greeness spans all we can see.”
By Alli Tervo
“Their whiskers intersect / like neighborly clotheslines / One lifetime / greeting the next”
“allow myself an ounce of temptation, / run finger over ragged cuticle and think of my tongue running / along her nail bed”
“places the raw chunks / in my stained open-sore mouth, / teaches me to acquire a taste for pain.”
“And we’re dressed to the nines, in our cleanest / boots, the dust scrubbed from our tanks / until they gleam.”
“Here are gates with welcoming arms, drapes, gardens // that are all swings and slides.”
By Shutta Crum
“in the tree are three buds / one will flower into a poem / eat the other two”
By Rongfei Mu
“But I know you’re listening, / From the pale blue waves on the monitor / That I ride.”
By Karla Yaritza Maravilla Zaragoza
Two poems by Karla Yaritza Maravilla Zaragoza.
“it began with silk / devils bleaching brown kernels and selling bottled ice / tea”