One-Armed Prayer
By Vedran Husić
“grasping claws of tensile yellow / below skeleton blues whose delicate / tracery wafts into thin witnessed air—”
We are so grateful to all of our partner-poets for sharing their work with us—please enjoy their beautiful words in our Featured Poetry catalogue.
By Vedran Husić
“grasping claws of tensile yellow / below skeleton blues whose delicate / tracery wafts into thin witnessed air—”
By Kay Kassirer
“I become the client as I hand over a few hundreds to the jaw specialist / recognizing the irony of how quickly this money comes and goes”
Celebrating Queer Poetry in the New Age of Heterosexual Violence & Absolute Stupidity!
Two poems by Angelic Goldsky.
“%gasping to (find the /pieces u (%ont . &earch for( ( …..”
“everything, even gain, / is some kind of loss. even after.”
“in a single breath / fought off an evil corporate polluter / without somuchas a lawyer”
By Jessie Keary
“She was adept with the use of / liquid rouge, / a model of artistic beauty,”
“the familiar games you invented: / complicated, one-foot races across // the shallow end.”
Winner of the 2024 Rising Poet Prize Akhim Yuseff Cabey for “Olentangy River, 2019” Akhim Yuseff Cabey was …