Have your work considered by Palette Poetry!
Featured Poetry
always free. always open.
Submissions for our Featured Poetry category are open year-round to poets at any stage of their careers. Featured poems are published online only and will spotlight a number of poems from new authors each month. We highly encourage emerging authors to submit.
We are thrilled to offer significant payment to our poets: $50 per poem, up to $150. We are proud to be able to pay our artists, but will be highly selective in our choices for publication.
We also warmly invite under-represented and marginalized voices to submit. Our aim is to be an accurate representation of the wonderful diversity of our community. Your voice is valued here, so to help do our part in moving forward the needle on equity in publishing, we've opened a special category for historically marginalized voices to send their work directly to our editorial team and receive a response within two to four weeks. More info here.
Submission Guidelines: Please read carefully!
Submissions are open internationally, to any poet writing in English—other languages are welcome, as long as the poem is largely in English.
- We only accept unpublished work. If your poem has been published in a journal, on a blog, or on social media, it is not eligible.
We accept simultaneous submissions, but please send us a message via Submittable if your work is picked up elsewhere—we want to say congrats!
Send up to 5 poems that total no more than 10 pages.
We do NOT accept multiple submissions for Featured Poetry. Please submit all your poems in ONE document.
Multiple submissions will be declined unread.
Please include a brief cover letter in the cover letter box with your publication history, if any. This is where you can include your name and/or bio! If you select the editorial feedback option, this is also where you can name which poem you'd like feedback on.
Do NOT include your name or contact information in your packet of poems. We do not read submissions anonymously but prefer identifying information to be included in the cover letter, not the packet of poems.
Expect 12 weeks for a response, but please do not query until 4 months have passed.
We also offer two paid options for each submission: Fast Response & Editorial Feedback.
- Send us only your best. We will be extremely selective.
Author’s Rights
Palette Poetry holds first publication rights for three months after publication, after which rights revert to the author. Authors agree not to publish, nor authorize or permit the publication of, any part of the material for three months following first publication. For reprints, we ask for acknowledgment of publication in Palette Poetry first.
For questions regarding submissions, please see our FAQ page.